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'Teen Mom' star Amber Portwood getting evicted from her home

The 21-year-old Teen Mom star is getting kicked out of her rented house in Anderson, IN after the company who owns her property filed in court on Wednesday that she had violated her lease agreement, citing no specifics, TMZ reported Thursday.

According to the court documents, Portwood's landlord reportedly delivered a "notice to vacate" to her residence on December 20 -- just one day after the Teen Mom star was put behind bars for allegedly violating the probation terms of her 2011 plea deal for assaulting Gary Shirley, the on-again, off-again fiance and father of her two-year-old daughter Leah.Portwood was reportedly arrested when police visited her home after she missed a probation appointment and found a variety of prescription pills -- most of which she had failed to supply prescriptions for -- in her home.

After her arrest, Portwood, who refused to provide a urine sample, had a hearing and is currently being held in jail until her next court appearance later this month.

Portwood's attorney told TMZ that he was unaware of the eviction filing, and as a result, declined to make a statement about the matter.

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